Industrial Gas Burners - What Are They? How Do They Work?

Gas Burner -Suntec Energy India

Industrial Gas Burners are used in many industries, including food processing, manufacturing, and power generation. They use high temperatures to create steam that is then piped into other processes.

What Is an Industrial Gas Burner Used For?

Industrial Gas Burner is typically used to produce steam for industrial applications such as heating buildings, cooling systems, and making electricity. These boilers are also used to make hot water for cooking and cleaning.

How Does an Industrial Gas Burner Work?

An Industrial Gas Burner works by burning fuel inside a chamber where air is forced through the chamber at high speeds. This creates a lot of friction between the air and the walls of the chamber, causing the air to become superheated. As the heated air passes through a series of tubes, it transfers its energy to the water or steam inside the tubes.

Types of Industrial Burners

There are two main types of Industrial Gas Burner: direct fired and indirect fired. Direct fired burners use natural gas as fuel, while indirect fired burners use oil or propane. Indirect fired burners are more common than direct fired ones because they are cheaper to operate and maintain.

Where Can I Buy One?

You can buy an Industrial Gas Burner at any home improvement store. If you need one for commercial purposes, check with your local building department.

How Much Do They Cost?

Industrial Gas Burner Cost Depending on the size of the unit, you might pay anywhere from India.
