Essential Considerations When Choosing a Split System Industrial Heat Pump

Industrial Heat Pumps In India

Selecting the right split system heat pump can be a daunting task, especially if you are unfamiliar with how they operate. However, if you make the wrong choice, not only will it cost you extra money, but it can even have a negative impact on your health due to poor heating performance.

Consider essential factors before buying in order to avoid the risks of a low quality system that won't keep you warm when you need it.

Understanding How Split System Heat Pumps Work

Heat pumps are not just air conditioners; they offer much more than just cooling. They can provide heating when the temperature drops and cool your house if it gets too warm. Plus, they are a great way to save energy, as they use the ambient temperature outside to regulate the temperature inside your home.

An air-source heat pump works by taking heat from the air outside and transferring it into your home. This is done by an indoor unit, which purifies the air before dispersing it into your living space. The heat pump extracts the heat and then circulates it throughout the building.

It is essential to select a system that is as quiet as possible both inside and outside in order to not disrupt the surroundings.

Search for features that can limit or reduce noise, such as those found in split systems. A Suntec Energy heat pump can provide quiet operation technology on the indoor unit, while the outdoor unit has adjustable decibel settings to guarantee that noise levels stay low.

What Size Of Heat Pump Will You Need?

The idea of having a large indoor system for heating your home may seem appealing, but bigger isn't always better. If you want your indoor unit to blend into its surroundings, a compact split system with a powerful motor is the way to go.

Split systems from Suntec Energy, for instance, feature a Reluctance DC motor that utilises powerful magnets to boost torque and enhance motor efficiency by over 20% compared to other available options.

No matter which model or brand of split system you opt for, make sure to select one that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also has strong air circulation capabilities.

Don't Forget About Energy Efficiency

Investing in a split system heat pump is an excellent way to lower your monthly energy expenses. With the right choice, you can reduce your electricity consumption by up to 60% or more.

For maximum energy efficiency, seek out a system with inverter technology that automatically adjusts indoor temperatures, preventing unnecessary power consumption from turning on and off like with a heat pump.

The bottom line

Shopping for the best split system for your home can require some time and effort, but the rewards are worth it. Before making a purchase, make sure to consider important factors such as the system's energy efficiency, noise output, and other features.

For more information about split systems and to get a quote for services and products, contact your local heating solutions company.
